Abstract Submission Notes

2024-09-07 admin 64

●Abstract Format

Each abstract has to be broken down into the following three sections when you submit: (1) Background, Motivation and Objective; (2) Statement of Contribution/Methods; (3) Results, Discussion and Conclusions. In addition, the total number of characters excluding spaces, title, author names, and affiliations is limited to 500.

●Oral or Poster Preference:

For USS conference, the mode of presentation that can be selected by authors during the abstract submission is either “Oral” or “Poster”. Although the Scientific Committee will consider the authors’ presentation preferences during the abstract evaluation process, the final decision on “Oral” or “Poster” of an abstract will be made by the Scientific Committee. Please note that the acceptance of an abstract or not by the conference will solely depend on the quality of the abstract, not on authors’ “Oral” or “Poster” selection.